Black Forest Colo Springs Real Estate & Area Info
Black Forest is located in El Paso County about 15 miles north east of Colorado Springs and about 45 miles south of Denver Colorado. With a population of about 15,000 in the Black Forest neighborhood it encompasses about 130 square miles of land. Lot sizes in Black Forest are large (averaging about 5 acres) and are impressively wooded with pine trees giving a secluded wilderness private retreat feel. Open area lots and homes are also available providing unobstructed views of Pikes Peak and the front range mountains. Many lots in Black Forest are also zoned for horses. Black Forest housing mainly consists of single family homes while apartments and condo’s are harder to find. Black Forest homes can range in price from $300,000 to as high as $3 million, with the average home price at approximately $550,000.
The information below is a great resource to help you become just a little more familiar the area, to include a powerful interactive home search for this area, School information and performance reports, aerial tours of a few of the neighborhoods, along with additional information. If you would like more information or want to take in more detail please feel free to contact me at anytime, I would be happy to help!